The Travelling Photographic Exhibition “Men and Women of Mining” continues its journey: from Slovakia to Slovenia

The journey of the travelling photo exhibition “Men and Women of Mining” continues, travelling through the heart of Central Europe. After its success in Slovakia, the exhibition found a new home at the Slovenian partners of the Idrija Mercury Heritage Management Centre. The official opening took place on 14 June, coinciding with the opening of the renowned Idrija Lace Festival, an event celebrating Idrija’s precious lace heritage.

During the opening ceremony, the Director of the Idrija Mercury Heritage Management Centre, Mrs. Tatjana Dizdarevič, announced that, as a partner of the European Mining Route of Santa Barbara Federation, the Centre is working on an ambitious project: a mining route to be travelled according to the modalities of slow tourism, and invited all those present to participate in an excursion organised for the autumn of this year, as part of the now traditional “Reflections of the Silver Era” event. On this occasion, the designer of the trail, Tomaž Bizjak, will accompany participants by bicycle along the footsteps of the Idrija miners. This will be a unique opportunity to explore the mining history of the town through a dynamic and engaging experience, offering a unique perspective on this fascinating heritage.

Also present at the ceremony were the President and Vice-President of Barborská Cesta, the Slovak partners who personally accompanied the exhibition to Idrija. Their presence underlined the importance of this international synergy and the common commitment to preserving and enhancing European mining history.

A Celebration of the Link between Miners and Lacemakers

The day was a special opportunity to reflect on the unique link between two seemingly opposite worlds: the dark and powerful world of miners and the delicate and refined world of lace-making. These two aspects of Idrija cultural heritage, although different, complement each other perfectly, representing the richness and diversity of its history.

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