The European Mining Routes of Santa Barbara Federation launches a call for young videomakers: a unique international project to tell the history of mining communities

The European Mining Routes of Santa Barbara Federation – MINES.B is pleased to announce the opening of a call for young videomakers for an international documentary project involving the Federation’s partners. This project aims to collect the stories of European miners, protagonists of one of the most significant pages of the industrial and social history of the continent.

The documentary, which features interviews with former miners and documentation of mining heritage, aims to preserve the historical and cultural memory of the communities that have built their lives around mining. The intention of the MINES.B Federation is to create a visual tribute that does justice to these stories, too often forgotten, and to promote an inclusive vision of our history, capable of enriching the awareness of new generations on the value of mining traditions and the bond that unites European communities.

The project is not only an opportunity to valorise the past, but also acts as a bridge between different cultural and historical realities, helping to strengthen the common European identity through the shared memory of its mining roots. The production of the documentary will be carried out by young videomakers who, through their talent and passion for the language of film, will collect the direct testimonies of those who lived and worked in the mines.

The call for entries is aimed at young people aged between 18 and 35, who will be asked to shoot video footage in different European mining areas. Each videomaker will have the task of conducting interviews with former miners, documenting the mining landscape and cultural heritage related to their country or rather their mining area of reference. The collected materials will then be integrated into one cohesive documentary, which will represent a mosaic of experiences and memories.

The project will be realised through preliminary meetings and periodic updates, during which the young videomakers will have the opportunity to confront themselves with other participants from the different partner nations. At the end of the production phase, the documentary will be presented during a final event, which will be held in one of the Federation’s partner nations. The event will also provide an opportunity for cultural exchange, with guided tours, workshops and networking activities between the young videomakers and the local mining communities.

The project will involve members of the MINES.B Federation and their respective mining areas, including:

Fondazione Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara

Reference Provinces: Sulcis Iglesiente and Medio Campidano (Sardinia – Italy)

Le Bois du Cazier; Les Sentiers de Grande Randonnée

Reference Province: Hainaut (Wallonia – Belgium)

Mission Bassin Minier

Reference Province: Nord and Pas-de-Calais (Hauts-De-France, France)

Barborská Cesta

Reference Province: Banská Bystrica (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)

– Idrija Mercury Mine Management Centre

Reference Province: Goriška (Idrija, Slovenia)

– Comarca Andorra Sierra de Arcos

Reference Province: Teruel (Aragon, Spain)

– Municipality of Aljustrel

Province of reference: Beja (Aljustrel, Portugal)

The MINES.B Federation invites young videomakers to seize this extraordinary opportunity to give voice to a piece of history that deserves to be told.

The call for applications is open until 31 March 2025. For more details and to submit your application, you can visit the official website of the MINES.B Federation

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